Monday, June 14, 2021



💜Welcome to my blog. In this blog, you gonna learn about SSI3013 subject. 💜

In this blog, I will explain what I learn form the subject SSI3013 (Information and Communication Technology in Science). This subject is about to introduce the ICT application in science education.  This subject is important and compulsory for science education students in order to expose us about new technology generation. In this subject, we have 5 different assignment, where 3 is group assignment and other 2 is individual assignment. 


Smart school is a learning institution that has  been systemically integrated with ICT in terms of teaching-learning practices and school management in order to prepare children for the Information age. Malaysia has developed a successful roadmap for development of smart school system.  The idea of the smart school is actually to revolutionize the education system through a holistic approach to a development that focuses on the individual, making value based education available to anyone, anytime and anywhere. The smart school vision brings together the vital components required to exploit technology to improve the system and delivery of education to students. This our first group's assignment in this subject. We need to find more information about smart school product, challenges and also adaptation of smart school and present through online class. 


Data loggers are electronic devices which automatically monitor and record environmental parameters over time, allowing conditions to be measured, documented, analyzed and validated. The data logger contains a sensor to receive the information and a computer chip to store it. Then the information stored in the data logger is transferred to a computer for analysis. Data logging can be done manually by constant human observation. However, using an electronic data logger is much more effective, accurate and reliable than taking periodic manual readings. It does the job of all the tools mentioned above, saving time and expense. This our second group assignment. We agree to choose measurement of pH drinks. Same goes with first assignment, we need to make report and also present during online class.


STELLA (Systems Thinking for Education and Research; from isee Systems) is a modeling software package that diagrams, charts, and uses animation help visual learners discover relationships between variables and helps simplify model building. Stella handles time series, sensitivity, and simulation models well and has a 'drag and drop' modeling interface. Users can download a free trial that has significant features. After discuss with my teammate, we all agree to choose a animal temperature as a title. This assignment also need to make a report and slide presentation. 


Graphic design is an individual assignment. For this assignment, I need to design a header for my E-Portfolio which is my blog. I need used Abode Photoshop software to edit 3 different images. The header need to be created by using the natural panoramic near my place. I choose a view of hiking trails as a background. The other two different images must has connection with the background.


This is the last assignment and also an individual task. In this assignment, we need to create a 30 second video about my home area. But, my place is PKPD so I decide to create a video about Hologram 3D. I have to shoot minimum five different short videos and also need include title, transition for every videos. 

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