Assalamualaikum and hello everyone !

First of all, I would like to thank Encik Azmi Bin Ibrahim, my information and Technology in Science (SSI3013) lecturer for providing me a lot of knowledge about ICT application during this semester. I also want to thank all my group's member and fellow classmate who always helping me to completing all the assignment. 

Based on what I learned in this SSI3013 subject, there's a lots of useful information. skills an a new knowledge that I gain during this semester. First, I learn what is smart school. This assignment teach me that using a technology during class session can help a students more easily understand about the subject. Not only that, I also learns a lot about Data Logger and STELLA Simulation. Before join this class, I never know about simulation platform which is STELLA Simulation that help a student can do a virtual lab. Now, I know that technology provide a lots benefits in education world in this generation. 

Next, I also learn how to create blog using Blogger. Before join this class, I just know how create blog using Wix. But in this subject, I learn something new.  To be honest, create a blog using Blogger is a bit challenging to me, because I have to learn HTML coding. However after finish that blog, I think that fun and amazing.  I also creating graphic design and making a short video. During making the short video, I have a bit problem because in my area is PKPD. So, I can't go outside to take a video. But, I have an idea to create a video about Hologram 3D. 

Overall, I enjoyed being in this subject and this class. I will used all the useful information that I get from this class and apply it in future. I hope to see you guys soon when pandemic is over. 

Thank you and be safe everyone.

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